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Teknologi Skydd

  • Ett helt nytt material

Först lite bakgrund. De flesta skydd som används för att förebygga skador tillverkas i plastmaterial som PU och PVC. I tillverkningen av dessa används kemikalier eller klorgas som är giftiga för både miljön och människor, vid direktkontakt eller genom utsläpp. Det finns också snällare alternativ, men då krävs en rejäl tjocklek för att få en bra skyddseffekt. 

Vi vill inte tumma på vare sig skydd eller design. Därför har vi utvecklat ett helt nytt material tillsammans med ledande materialexperter, designer och ingenjörer. Vi har tagit hjälp av Kemikalieinspektionen och gjort tester hos RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden).

Resultatet är ett unikt material gjort på giftfria och livsmedelsklassificerade komponenter. Det är bara några millimeter tjockt men ger ändå mycket god dämpning. 

  • Testat vid RISE

Under hela utvecklingsarbetet har vi gjort kontinuerliga tester av materialen vid RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden). Materialen har främst testats mot standard EN 1621-1 (för MC-skydd) samt EN 812 (för stötskyddsmössor). Eftersom det i dagsläget inte finns en representativ standard som är utvecklad för vardagsskydd har ovannämnda standarder använts för att kunna jämföra dämpningsfunktionen mellan olika material. 

OICAN´s material har testats och jämförs med ett tjugotal andra material som finns på marknaden idag och visar mycket goda dämpningsegenskaper trots att det endast är ett fåtal millimeter tjockt.

  •  Certifierad

Produkten är Certifierat enligt EU-direktiv 89-686/EEC, riskkategori 1. Läs mer om detta här.

  • Giftfritt

Det skyddande materialet inuti plagget består av samma giftfria polymerer som brukar användas i nappar, leksaker och medicinska produkter. Plaggets tyg är Oeko-Tex-märkt och innehåller inga skadliga kemikalier som kan irritera huden.


About our protection

We are happy to share our brand new material that is created with both children and the environment in mind. Traditional plastic materials used to make shelters can sometimes contain chemicals that do not benefit our planet or our children. Therefore, we felt it was time for a change.

Together with experts in materials and design, we have developed a unique material that is both non-toxic and made from food grade components. The material is thin but at the same time effective when it comes to protecting against shocks and bangs.

The OICAN Safe Hat is more than just a hat. It is designed with care to give children the highest level of protection, while being comfortable and looking good. The protective material is placed on the most exposed parts of the head - the forehead and the back of the head - to offer extra security during play and activities.

Our protection is designed to fit perfectly on the head and is thickest where it is needed most, to provide the best possible protective effect. And you can be sure that the cap fits comfortably without affecting your child's hearing, as the area around the ears is unprotected.

We would like to remind everyone that our cap is not intended as a replacement for a helmet during activities with a higher risk of injury, such as cycling or skiing. But we are convinced that it will become a favorite among children when it comes to everyday play and adventure.


About our protection

Safety in everyday life

We are thrilled to share our brand-new material, created with care for both children and the environment. Traditional plastic materials used for protection sometimes contain chemicals that are not beneficial for our planet or our children. That's why we felt it was time for a change.

Together with experts in materials and design, we have developed a unique material that is both non-toxic and made from food-grade components. The material is thin yet highly effective at protecting against impacts and shocks.

OICAN Safe Hat is more than just a hat.

It is thoughtfully designed to provide children with the highest level of protection while being comfortable and stylish. The protective material is strategically placed on the most vulnerable parts of the head - the forehead and back of the head - to offer extra safety during play and activities.

Our protection is designed to fit perfectly on the head, with thicker padding where it's needed most for maximum protective effect. And you can rest assured the hat fits comfortably without affecting your child's hearing, as the area around the ears is unprotected.

Please note that our hat is not intended as a replacement for a helmet during high-risk activities like cycling or skiing. However, we are confident it will become a favorite for everyday play and adventures.

That's why you should choose OICAN

Tested at RISE

Throughout the development work, we have carried out continuous tests of the materials at RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden). The materials have mainly been tested against standard EN 1621-1 (for motorcycle protection) and EN 812 (for impact protection caps). As there is currently no representative standard developed for everyday protection, the aforementioned standards have been used to be able to compare the damping function between different materials.


The protective material inside the garment consists of the same non-toxic polymers that are usually used in pacifiers, toys and medical products. The garment's fabric is Oeko-Tex certified and contains no harmful chemicals that can irritate the skin.

Kind to the environment

The OICAN Safe Hat is manufactured with low CO2 emissions and the protective material is 100% reusable. When the cap is no longer to be used, the protective material can be melted down and recast with equally good cushioning properties. In this way, we save on both the environment and waste.

Swedish made

OICAN's products are manufactured in Sweden to minimize transport distances and have better control throughout the production chain. This makes it easier for us to ensure the quality of the products and the suppliers' sustainability work.


The material is certified according to EU directive 89-686/EEC, risk category 1. Read more about this here.

Not convinced?

Read more about what makes us unique in the industry here.


We can bear to be compared

We are convinced that we are one of the top suppliers in the market with our product. Our protection is distinguished by superior protective properties while effectively absorbing energy in the event of a fall. Through carefully crafted design and care for comfort, we strive to be a leader in the industry. Our product is not only functional but also stylish and comfortable to wear, giving our customers an overall experience of high quality and safety.